Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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descant a secondary, usually higher, melody that is played or sung at the same time as the chief melody.
euphoria a strong feeling of well-being or elation, sometimes unrealistic or unwarranted, and able to be induced by certain drugs.
expiation the act or the means of making amends, as for a sin or crime.
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve.
imprecation a curse, uttered or thought of.
impugn to call into question; challenge or try to discredit.
innocuous not capable of causing damage; harmless.
insularity the condition of being closed to new ideas or outside influences; narrow-mindedness.
interdict to deter or impede by the steady use of firepower.
internecine of or pertaining to conflict, discord, or struggle within a group.
macerate to soften (food or the like) by soaking, as in digestion.
stickler one who must observe or conform to something (usually followed by "for").
sylph a slender, graceful woman or girl.
syntax the word order or pattern of word order in a sentence.
tort in law, any civil rather than criminal harm or injury that violates the implicit duty of each citizen not to harm others, and for which one may bring a civil suit and collect compensation.