Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adept having great skill or ability.
aristocracy a class of people who have a high social position because of the family they are born into. Members of the aristocracy are usually richer and have more privileges than other members of society.
delectable extremely pleasing to the taste; delicious.
digression the act or result of straying from the main topic.
lineage1 descent from or the descendants of a common or particular ancestor or ancestry.
pertinacious tenacious in purpose, opinion, or the like; persevering.
polygamy the practice or state of having more than one spouse, especially more than one wife, at a time.
retard to cause (growth, development, or the like) to be slow or incomplete; stunt.
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
throe (usually plural) any convulsive or anguished struggle, or great exertion.
tolerable capable of being put up with or endured.
uncontrolled acting or continuing, or allowed to act or continue, without constraint, regulation, or opposition.
uninitiated combined form of initiated.
whimsical characterized by or resulting from a sudden desire or fancy.