Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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classical having to do with the complex music of the European tradition that is neither folk nor popular music.
combat fighting, especially against an enemy in war.
darken to make more shadowy or less light.
difficulty the condition of being hard to do.
glare to stare steadily or angrily.
leisure freedom from work or other duties that take time and effort; free time.
lighten1 to become brighter or less dark in color.
reaction an action or response to something that has happened or has been done.
slant to be at a leaning or tilting angle.
squelch to intimidate or silence, as with a crushing reply.
style the manner in which something is said or done.
totally completely; entirely.
unusual not usual or ordinary; not common; remarkable.
upholstery materials used to cover furniture.
ward a large room in a hospital with beds for several patients, or a section for one type of patient.