Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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breath the air that goes into and out of the body through the nose or mouth.
dance to move the feet and body to music.
enough as much or as many as needed or required.
flock a group of animals or birds of one kind that stay or are kept together.
lake a large body of fresh or salt water that has land all around it.
poem a piece of writing different from ordinary writing in its special form, rhythm, and beautiful or interesting language. Poems are often short and express feelings. They sometimes use words that rhyme.
poison a substance that can kill or seriously harm living beings if it is swallowed, breathed, or taken in.
reply to give an answer.
screen a piece of material made of woven wire. A screen covers a window, door, or other opening.
share a part of a whole amount.
sin an act of not obeying religious law.
splinter a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece.
though used to connect two parts of a sentence when the meaning of one part seems to disagree with the other.
unit a single thing that is one of a group of similar things.
wicked evil in actions or ideas.