Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assay to try out or test.
bankrupt not able to pay money owed and free by law from having to pay.
compel to force or drive to do something.
convergence the point, line, or the like at which lines, planes, or objects meet.
excavate to make a hole or hollow place in by digging.
lapse a slight failure to meet some accepted standard.
maintenance the act of taking care of or keeping in good condition.
notwithstanding in spite of; despite (sometimes used after its object rather than before).
obstruction something that blocks the way or prevents progress.
profound coming from or going to a great depth.
provoke to make angry, annoyed, or emotional; bring to action.
routinely regularly; habitually.
typhoon a hurricane that occurs in the western Pacific area and the China Sea.
visualize to form a picture of in the mind.
witless lacking or not using cleverness or intelligence; stupid; foolish.