Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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annually once a year; yearly.
brutal cruel or savage.
coma a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
cram to fill with more than can be easily held.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
handful the amount that can be held in a single hand.
pleasure a feeling of happiness, delight, or joy.
prediction the act of telling or trying to tell what will happen in the future.
prickly full of small, sharp points.
pursue to follow in order to reach or catch; chase.
reproduction a copy of something.
screw a metal fastener that is like a nail with grooves that wind around it. A screw can be driven into a surface by turning it while pressing down on the head.
sigh to breathe out with a long breath because of being sad, tired, or relieved.
tactic a technique or maneuver used for achieving a goal, especially in battle.
transportation the act of carrying or moving something.