Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agreement common understanding; harmony; accord.
capital1 the city where the government of a country, state, or province is located.
curb a raised rim where a street meets the edge of the sidewalk.
entitle to give a right or legal claim to.
introduce to present to another person.
marriage the state of two people being joined by law, having pledged to be faithful to one another all their lives as a couple.
medal a flat, small piece of metal that has a design or words stamped on it, used as an honor or reward.
occurrence an event that takes place; incident.
replacement a person or thing that takes the position of another or takes over the function of another.
sinister threatening or suggesting evil, injury, or danger; ominous.
sneer a look on the face that expresses scorn or lack of respect.
surface the outside limit or top layer of something.
sustainable of or related to a method of managing or using a resource so that the resource is never used up or forever damaged.
tote to carry on one's back or in one's arms or hands.
wed to take as husband or wife in a legal ceremony; marry.