Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allegation an assertion made in the absence of positive proof.
averse strongly opposed or disinclined; unwilling (usually followed by "to").
chronological according to the order in which things happen.
circulate to move or flow along a closed path or system.
constitutional having to do with a constitution.
earnest having or showing a serious manner.
inadequate not enough; not good enough.
instructional pertaining to or having the purpose of teaching or providing information on a topic.
luster the shine of a surface that softly reflects light; glow.
plaintiff one who initiates a lawsuit against another. (Cf. defendant.)
portent a sign of something important, and often disastrous, that is about to occur; omen.
prearrange to arrange beforehand or in advance.
sanctuary a holy or sacred place.
technician a person whose work requires special skills.
unemployment the number or percentage of workers that do not have jobs.