Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ambidextrous able to use both the left and right hands with equal skill.
augury the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens.
austere having only what is needed; very simple or plain.
belie to give a false impression of.
doyen the senior or highest-ranking male member of a group.
effrontery shameless impudence; insolence.
erratic not expected or predicted; not regular.
imbricate overlapping in an even sequence, as roof tiles or fish scales.
impute to ascribe or attribute to a source or cause.
lupine2 fierce; greedy.
paroxysm a sudden strong outburst of feelings or actions.
salvo the firing of guns or other firearms simultaneously or in succession, especially as a salute.
sanguine having an optimistic temperament or outlook.
solipsism the self-centered habit of interpreting and judging all things exclusively according to one's own concepts of meaning and value.
spurn to reject, refuse, or treat with scorn; disdain; despise.