Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abrogate to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority.
antebellum in or of the period prior to a war, especially the American Civil War.
augury the art or practice or an instance of predicting the future or obtaining hidden knowledge by interpreting omens.
blandishment (often plural) flattering or coaxing remarks or stratagems intended to persuade.
corollary a readily drawn conclusion; deduction or inference.
cynosure a thing or person that is the center of attention and admiration.
determinism the belief or teaching that every effect, including human thoughts and actions, is completely and predictably brought about by preceding causes and that, therefore, free will does not exist.
disallow to refuse to allow or admit; reject.
knurled having small ridges.
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
obviate to prevent or eliminate in advance; render unnecessary or irrelevant.
parvenu a person who has suddenly acquired wealth or status, without acquiring the tastes, manners, customs, or the like of his or her new station.
reprisal injury inflicted in retaliation for injury received, as in war; revenge.
solipsism the self-centered habit of interpreting and judging all things exclusively according to one's own concepts of meaning and value.
voluble characterized by a steady flow of words; fluent; talkative.