Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
apron a piece of clothing that covers the front of the body. An apron is worn to keep clothes clean.
business the field or area in which a person works; occupation.
clip2 a device that holds or fastens. It is usually made of light metal or plastic.
crib a bed with high sides all around for a baby or young child to sleep in.
cute attractive or pleasing.
decorate to make more attractive by adding things.
defend to protect from harm; guard.
mop a tool with cloth at the end of a stick that is used to clean floors and other things.
peanut a seed that people eat like a nut but grows under the ground and is in the same family of plants as beans.
remove to take something off or away.
rinse to wash off with water.
tell to express in spoken or written words.
temper a usual state of mind of manner of feeling.
voter one who helps decide something in an election by expressing his or her choice.