Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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break to make something come apart into pieces.
collar the part of a piece of clothing that goes around the neck.
daughter a person's female child.
fix to repair.
heaven (usually plural) the sky, including the stars, sun, moon, and planets as seen from the earth.
helicopter a type of aircraft that is held in the air and moved along by spinning blades attached to its top side.
hide to put or keep away from view.
incredible difficult or impossible to believe.
log a large, thick piece of a tree that has been cut down and is ready for sawing, burning, or building.
movement a motion or way of moving.
overnight lasting or staying one night.
peak the highest part of a mountain, or the highest part of anything.
soil1 the top layer of the earth's surface; dirt.
teacher a person whose job is explaining and showing things to students so that they can learn.
vacuum a space or container in which there is no air or from which most of the air has been removed.