Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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aircraft any machine that can fly through the air, such as an airplane, helicopter, glider, or balloon.
cable a bundle of insulated wires used to carry electric current.
cancer a disease in which certain cells divide and grow much faster than they normally do.
construction the act or process of putting parts together to build or create.
envelop to cover, wrap, enclose, or surround.
everyday happening daily; routine.
feat an act or achievement that shows courage, strength, or skill.
mall an open space lined with shade trees. A mall is used for walking and enjoyment.
obvious easily seen or understood; clear.
photographer a person whose job is to take photographs.
realistic tending to see things as they really are; practical.
relapse to return to bad behavior or poor health after a period of improvement.
term a word or phrase for something that might be known only by people who have a particular job, interest, or hobby.
topple to sway and fall down; tumble.
unity the condition of being united or of acting as one.