Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accumulate to pile up, collect, or gather.
amiss in the wrong way.
annotate to provide (a written work) with explanatory notes or critical commentary.
conquest the act or process of overcoming or defeating.
conspicuous easily seen; obvious.
drastic extreme or severe.
exotic from a foreign place.
insure to guarantee against loss or harm with an insurance policy.
outrage an act that causes a strong feeling of anger because of its violence or cruelty.
quarantine the keeping of a person, animal, or thing away from others to stop a disease from spreading.
renown wide honor and acclaim; fame.
respondent a person who gives a reply or answer, especially to a survey or poll.
sensitivity the quality of being acutely responsive mentally or emotionally.
sovereignty supreme power or authority, especially over a state or other political body.
subsist to stay alive or obtain the necessities of life (usually followed by "on").