Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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agree to have the same opinion or feel the same way.
coach a person who trains and teaches people in sports.
complete having all of the parts that are necessary; whole.
electric using or having to do with electricity.
equipment anything made for a particular use. Jobs and sports often require special equipment.
golf a game played on a large outdoor course with small holes in the ground spaced far apart. Players use a set of special clubs to hit a small white ball into each of the series of holes. There are nine or eighteen holes in a golf course. The object of the game is to get the ball into each hole using as few strokes as possible.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
jail a building in which a government keeps people who have broken a law.
lazy not wanting to work or use effort.
mayor the head of government in a village, town, or city.
schedule to set the date or time of.
shoot to hit with a bullet or other thing that flies from a weapon.
tank a large container used to hold liquid or gas.
tree a plant that has a long main trunk and many branches. Trees usually grow quite tall.
winner one that wins or is likely to win or succeed.