Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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chum (informal) a close friend; pal.
claw a thin, sharp, curved nail on the foot of an animal.
clean not dirty.
crop plants grown on a farm.
emergency a sudden dangerous situation that requires immediate action or help.
harbor a safe area of water where people can leave their boats.
hillside the side of a hill.
mess a state of being dirty or not neat.
night the period between the time when the sun sets in the evening and when it rises in the morning.
nod to move the head up and down in order to greet or agree with someone.
once at one time in the past.
plate a flat, round dish for food.
section a part that is different or apart from the whole.
seem to appear to be or do.
trust to believe that someone is good, honest, or able to be depended on.