Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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camp to set up a temporary shelter, such as a tent.
clip2 a device that holds or fastens. It is usually made of light metal or plastic.
giant an imaginary being who looks like a person but has enormous size and strength.
grade to rate for correctness or quality, usually by giving a letter or score.
hero a person who has courage and who is a model for others.
inventor one who conceives of or makes something new.
measure to find out the exact size of something.
nod to move the head up and down in order to greet or agree with someone.
pen a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing in ink.
plank a length of wood thicker than a board.
safety the condition of being safe from danger.
sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover a bed.
ship a large boat that carries people or things through deep water.
staircase a set of steps with a railing that goes from one floor to another in a building.
today the day that is right now.