Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awhile for a short time.
bare wearing no clothing or covering; naked.
basic necessary as a base. Things that are basic need to be learned first or done first.
bury to cover in the ground with dirt.
daughter a person's female child.
dough a thick mixture of flour and a liquid such as water or milk. You make bread, cookies, and other things to eat out of dough.
farmer a person who grows crops or raises animals on a piece of land.
hill a raised area of land smaller than a mountain.
lamp a device that uses electricity, oil, or gas to produce light. A lamp usually stands on a desk, table, or floor.
offer to present something to be accepted or refused.
pay to give money to (a person or business) in exchange for things or services.
peaceful quiet; calm.
scissors a tool used for cutting. Scissors have two blades that are joined in the middle.
space the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth.
usually ordinarily or most often; generally; typically.