Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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addition the process of finding the total of two or more numbers.
check to look at something in order to make sure that it is right or correct.
circle a line that curves so that one end meets the other. The line is made up of points that are all the same distance from the center.
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
copy something that looks exactly like another thing.
course the direction or way along which something moves.
file1 a place for keeping documents or other objects safe and in order. A file can be something that holds papers or a space on a computer.
jar a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
pavement the hard surface on a road or other flat area.
peak the highest part of a mountain, or the highest part of anything.
physical of the body.
stock things that you keep that are ready for use or for sale at any time; supply.
thick large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin.
unlock to open the lock of something.
weird strange or odd; puzzlingly unusual.