Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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approach the act of coming near.
attitude a way of feeling or thinking about something or someone.
complication something that makes a situation more difficult or involved.
dissatisfaction the state or condition of not being content or happy with something, or the cause of this condition.
eject to throw out with force.
emerge to rise up from or come into view.
lunge a sudden movement toward something; thrust, leap, or dive.
opponent one who fights, plays, or takes a position against another.
react to act, or feel a certain way, in response to something.
respectable displaying good breeding, manners, or character.
rumor a piece of information or a story passed from one person to another without any proof that it is true.
rustle to make soft, hissing sounds like things rubbing together.
slant to be at a leaning or tilting angle.
style the manner in which something is said or done.
visual having to do with sight or seeing.