Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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carnivorous eating the flesh of animals.
carriage a vehicle with wheels that is covered or enclosed and is used for carrying people.
confident having trust or faith; satisfied and sure.
coward a person who does not have the courage to face danger, pain, or something difficult.
humble not proud; modest.
maximum being or having the largest amount or number possible.
multiple having or made of more than one part; many.
obedience the condition or quality of being willing to follow rules or orders.
ransom the payment demanded in return for setting a kidnapped person free, or the act of setting someone free by paying the price demanded.
rustle to make soft, hissing sounds like things rubbing together.
sweeten to cause to be sweet or sweeter in taste.
sympathy kind understanding and concern for others when they are sad, suffering, or having trouble.
tickle to touch or poke so as to cause a tingling feeling or laughter.
tour to journey from place to place.
treat to behave toward in a particular way.