Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aplomb great self-confidence, composure, or poise.
appose to place next to or side by side; juxtapose.
atonement the act of making reparation for a sin, crime, error, or the like.
bellicose easily incited to quarrel or fight; belligerent.
contretemps an embarrassing or unfortunate happening; mishap; mischance.
deterge to cleanse, wash, or wipe off.
diatribe a bitter, abusive attack in speech or writing.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, especially from drugs or surgery.
inflection change that occurs in the form of words to show a grammatical characteristic such as the tense of a verb, the number of a noun, or the degree of an adjective or adverb.
knurled having small ridges.
lacuna a gap or omitted part.
pinchbeck false, sham, or counterfeit.
plaudit (often plural) an enthusiastic show of approval, such as a round of applause or a very favorable review.
reconnaissance the act or process of examining an area, especially to gain militarily useful information.
savor to give an impression; hint (usually followed by "of").