Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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abrogate to abolish, repeal, or nullify by authority.
antediluvian hopelessly old-fashioned; primitive; outdated.
belabor to continue excessive efforts on or excessive discussion of.
cognizant aware; informed (usually followed by "of").
constrict to pull or squeeze in; make smaller or more narrow; tighten.
credulous disposed to believe, especially on scanty evidence; gullible.
equivocal having at least two plausible alternative meanings, often intentionally so in order to deceive or avoid commitment; ambiguous.
etiolate to weaken, especially through deprivation of normal development.
expostulate to argue earnestly with someone, usually against an intended action; remonstrate.
limn to paint or draw.
pathos a quality in life or art that evokes pity, sadness, or compassion.
sartorial of or pertaining to tailors or tailored clothing, especially men's clothing.
shunt to turn or move aside or out of the way; divert.
sylph a slender, graceful woman or girl.
tamp to compress and pack tightly by repeated light taps.