Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bin a container or space for putting things or storing things such as wood, potatoes, or coal.
campfire an outdoor fire used for cooking or warmth while camping.
disturb to interrupt by making noise or doing something that draws away attention.
helmet a hard covering worn to protect the head.
honey a thick, sweet liquid made by bees.
lazy not wanting to work or use effort.
leadership ability or skill as a leader.
lick to pass the tongue over or along the surface of something.
mild not harsh; gentle.
outdoor happening or used outside of any building.
power the ability to act, function, or cause things to happen.
slime a slippery liquid, such as thin mud or the slippery substance on fish.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.
sturdy strong or solid; hard to break.
wonderful causing a feeling of wonder; excellent.