Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aquatic of or taking place on the water.
artifact any object made by human beings, especially one of an earlier era.
assess to look at and try to discover the quality or degree of (something); evaluate; estimate.
borne past participle of "bear1" with meaning connected with carrying, supporting, or enduring.
compliant willing to cooperate or agree; accommodating.
considerable large in size or amount.
deteriorate to become less in value or quality; decline.
enumeration the act or process of naming or listing one by one.
infinite having no limits or end; without measure.
muster to cause to come together; assemble.
oblige to make (someone) feel bound to do something or to act in a certain way.
qualify to make or be fit for a job or activity.
reminisce to recall past experiences, often with fondness or pleasure.
uncertainty the condition or quality of being unsure or doubtful.
vacate to make vacant or unoccupied by leaving.