Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afternoon the time of day between noon and evening.
careful paying close attention to what one is doing; cautious.
daughter a person's female child.
deed an act or action.
fit to be the right shape and size for someone or something.
genie a spirit, often in human form, that will grant one's wishes. Genies are sometimes written about in Arabian literature.
hamburger ground meat, or a round flat mass of ground meat that is cooked and served on bread.
heaven (usually plural) the sky, including the stars, sun, moon, and planets as seen from the earth.
meaning the message that is understood or intended when someone uses a word.
pen a long, thin tool used for writing or drawing in ink.
root the part of a plant that grows under the ground. Roots take in water and food, and they hold the plant in the soil.
smile to have an expression on the face in which the corners of the mouth turn up.
towel a piece of soft cloth or paper used to dry the face, body, dishes, or other things.
wait to stay in one place until an expected event happens.
word a sound or group of sounds that has some meaning that other people can understand. Words are a basic unit of language.