Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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assumption something that is supposed or believed without questioning. For example, if you ask someone whether she is allowed to watch TV during dinner, you have made an assumption that there is a TV in her house. Assumptions are ideas people have that are not based on proven facts. An assumption can be correct or incorrect.
attest to show or prove the truth of.
concede to admit the truth or justice of.
confidential secret.
engineering the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines.
executive a person who has a managing or directing role in a business or government.
humanity sympathy, concern, or compassion.
immigrant a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land.
indignant feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value.
interpretation the act or process of explaining or understanding the meaning of something.
investor a person or company that puts money into use for the purpose of making more money.
massive having a very large amount of matter; big and heavy; solid.
periodic happening or appearing at regular times.
precede to come before in time.
sterile free of live germs or bacteria.