Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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action something that is done for a specific purpose.
crystal a solid substance that has a repeating pattern of flat surfaces.
depth the distance from top to bottom or from front to back.
grade to rate for correctness or quality, usually by giving a letter or score.
guest a person who visits another person's home.
jewelry things made of special stones and metal worn on the body for decoration. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets are some kinds of jewelry.
nonsense words that have no meaning or make no sense.
pane a sheet of glass in a window or door.
pilot a person who flies an airplane or other aircraft.
plank a length of wood thicker than a board.
short not long in size or time.
space the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth.
spin to turn fast.
storm a violent event in weather. In a storm, there may be a lot of rain, snow, or wind.
strain to hurt or injure something by using it too much.