Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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construct to build; put together.
fortitude strength, endurance, and patience in the face of adversity or temptation.
intended planned and done with complete awareness; intentional; deliberate.
mitigate to lessen the force, severity, or impact of.
mock to make fun of in a mean way.
notify to tell about; give notice of.
predictable able to be foreseen or anticipated.
quagmire an unpleasant situation that is difficult to escape.
recuperate to become healthy again after being ill.
region a large space or area.
revive to bring back into use or popularity.
self-deprecation the act of belittling or disparaging oneself.
stench an unpleasant or foul odor; stink.
swarm to come together or move as a large group or mass.
thwart to hinder, oppose, or frustrate.