Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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comply to do what is asked or demanded; act in agreement with a rule (sometimes followed by "with").
corruption activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity.
deficient lacking something needed.
descendant one who comes from a given ancestor or ancestors.
distribution the act of giving out items or portions.
ebb the flowing of the tide away from the land to the sea.
exile the condition of being sent away from one's country and not allowed to return as a punishment.
hover to stay hanging in the air, often by quick flapping or spinning.
immigrate to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born.
inexpensive low or moderate in cost.
nevertheless however; still.
productivity the capacity for manufacturing things or doing any work that yields measurable results.
resent to feel anger or bitterness about or toward, especially when something is seen to be unfair.
scrounge to seek out and gather, especially by salvaging scraps (often followed by "up" or "together").
yoke a pair of draft animals joined by this device.