Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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conservative wanting things to stay as they are; not favoring change.
countenance facial expression or general appearance.
elapse to go or slip by; pass or come to an end.
eliminate to get rid of or destroy.
erode to wear away or eat into.
helm a wheel or lever used for steering a ship.
intellectual of or having to do with the intellect.
leisurely unhurried; slow.
liquefy to reduce to or become a fluid.
optimum the situation, quantity, degree, or other condition that is most desirable.
paradigm an example, model, pattern, or the like.
predictive indicating future events.
underlie to be the foundation or basis of.
vector a mathematical expression of direction and magnitude, usually represented by an arrow pointing to the particular direction, with a length proportional to the magnitude.
visualize to form a picture of in the mind.