Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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beam a long, strong piece of wood or metal used to support floors, ceilings or roofs.
bride a woman who is about to be married or was just married.
choice the act or an instance of selecting or picking.
disagree to differ in opinion.
explosion the act of bursting or the noise made by bursting.
imprint a mark or design made by pressing or printing on a surface.
manufacturer a company that makes things in large quantities, usually in a factory and using machines.
meadow an open field of grass that is growing wild or is used for pasture or to grow hay. A meadow usually contains wildflowers and weeds as well.
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the expected date.
prescription an order written by a doctor for medicine to treat a patient.
production the act or process of making or manufacturing.
rind a thick, firm outer layer or covering. Oranges, lemons, melons, and some cheeses have rinds.
selfish concerned only with oneself and not concerned about others.
slit to cut a long straight line into or through.
youngster a young person; child.