Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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chute a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
cram to fill with more than can be easily held.
dormitory a building with many bedrooms, often lived in by students. Many colleges have dormitories.
entrance1 a doorway or other place through which one goes in.
fiend an evil spirit or demon; devil.
frantic very excited by worry or fear; frenzied.
globe the world; planet Earth.
nationwide throughout or over the entire country.
rut a hollow track worn into the ground.
slump to sink down or fall with all one's weight.
strict requiring obedience or hard effort.
tardy late or delayed.
vent an opening through which a gas or vapor can enter, pass through, or exit.
well-known famous; familiar.
wink to close and open one eye quickly, as a sign of agreement or friendliness.