Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
crazy not reasonable or practical; silly; foolish.
drum an instrument for playing music that has a hollow round shape and a tight covering over an open end. You play a drum by hitting its surface with your hands or sticks.
evil anything very wrong or bad that hurts people or animals and is done without concern for the pain of others; wickedness.
gesture to make a motion with the body that expresses a feeling or thought.
hungry feeling a need or want for food.
injure to harm or damage.
jewelry things made of special stones and metal worn on the body for decoration. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets are some kinds of jewelry.
keep to hold or continue to hold.
lightly with little weight or force.
servant a person whose job is to clean another person's house, cook their food, or help them in other ways in their home, often living in the home also.
shall used to express a future action or state (used only with "we" and "I").
shield a large, flat piece of strong material carried on the arm for protection.
stormy having or characterized by storms.
swim to move through water by moving parts of the body.