Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cheat a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something.
commercial having to do with trade or business.
cycle a circle of events that repeats in a regular pattern.
dissect to cut open or apart in order to examine.
enable to give means or power to; make able; allow.
flexibility the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking.
industrial having to do with the manufacture of goods, especially in factories.
intelligence the ability to learn, reason, and understand.
marvelous causing wonder or amazement.
remark a comment or short statement.
slightly to a small degree or by a small amount; a little.
sputter to spit out saliva or bits of food while speaking in a fast or excited way.
substantially to a large or significant degree; considerably.
thermometer an instrument for measuring temperature. Some thermometers are made of a closed glass tube containing mercury or alcohol that rises or falls as the temperature rises or falls.
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream.