Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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art things that are made by humans and that people think have beauty or deep meaning. Music, films, written works, and paintings are examples of art.
buddy (informal) friend.
cupboard a piece of furniture with shelves to store food, dishes, or other things.
freeze to make into ice or become solid from cold temperatures.
harden to make less soft or more rigid.
heaven (usually plural) the sky, including the stars, sun, moon, and planets as seen from the earth.
jar a round container with a wide mouth. A jar is often made of glass and has a lid.
loaf a single quantity of bread the way it is just after it is baked and before it is cut into slices.
mud wet earth that has turned soft.
shallow not deep.
slip to slide suddenly on a slippery surface.
smart intelligent; knowing a lot.
steeple a tall, narrow tower on top of a building. A steeple often has a pointed spire.
tower a tall, narrow building or part of a building that rises high above the ground.
usually ordinarily or most often; generally; typically.