Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blade the part of a knife, scissors, or other tool that cuts.
brake a device used to slow or stop the motion of a vehicle or machine.
bud a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower.
cup a small, open container used for drinking.
dance to move the feet and body to music.
extra more than is expected or usual.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
journey a long trip from one place to another.
lone without others; alone.
peek to look for a short time or in secret.
pitch1 the throw of a baseball by the pitcher toward the batter, who tries to hit it.
point the sharp end of something.
rich having a great amount of money or valuable possessions.
sink to fall slowly to a lower level.
slap to hit with an open hand.