Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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conjoin to combine for a common purpose.
daunt to lessen the determination of; intimidate; discourage.
effrontery shameless impudence; insolence.
erratic not expected or predicted; not regular.
highbrow one who has or pretends to have highly sophisticated intellectual and cultural interests and tastes (often used disparagingly).
homily any discourse offering moral advice or admonitions.
ineptitude incompetence; lack of skill.
inquest a legal investigation, usually involving a jury, especially a coroner's investigation of a suspicious death.
irrefragable impossible to refute or dispute; undeniable.
lambent glowing softly.
libertine acting without restraint; dissolute; amoral.
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder.
oligarchy a government or state in which only a relatively few people or members of a family have real power.
solipsism the self-centered habit of interpreting and judging all things exclusively according to one's own concepts of meaning and value.
welter to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open sea.