Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accrue to grow or accumulate over time, especially as something of benefit.
adulation extreme or excessive praise.
anonymous having an unknown name or identity.
cerebral characterized by intellect or reason.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness.
epithet a word or phrase attached to, or used in place of, a given name.
evenhanded fair and impartial in the treatment of others; equitable.
ingrate an ungrateful person.
mediocre of average to poor quality; ordinary.
perdition the loss of the soul for eternity; damnation.
recourse that which may be turned to for assistance, protection, or a way out of a difficult situation.
sermonize to preach, or to speak as if doing so.
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge.
stanza a group of related lines in a poem that make up one section within the poem. Stanzas often have a regular meter and rhyme pattern.
surmount to get over or past; overcome; conquer.