Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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additional more; added.
attire to dress up in fancy clothes.
charisma an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.
congregate to bring or come together to form a group; gather.
depletion drastic lessening; exhaustion.
emphatic forceful, determined, or insistent in speech or action.
entrepreneur someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and operating one or several businesses.
equivalent the same as or equal to another in force, value, measure, or meaning.
interrogate to question at length and in a thorough way, often for an official purpose.
latter the second of two things mentioned.
physiological of or relating to the vital processes or functions of a living organism or its parts.
pun a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning.
realization something that has been suddenly understood; insight.
subscribe to agree to pay for a certain number of issues of a publication such as a magazine.
vex to annoy or irritate.