Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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addition the process of finding the total of two or more numbers.
carefully with thought and attention or caution about what one is doing.
closet a small room or space for storing things such as clothes or supplies.
den the resting place of wolves, lions, and other large wild animals.
flash a sudden, bright light that shines and then disappears.
free able to go where one wishes; not held back.
horn a hard, hollow growth on the head of certain mammals. Goats and sheep are some animals that have horns.
hurt to cause pain or harm to.
nervous feeling worry or fear about a particular thing or things.
save to help someone get away from harm or danger.
send to cause to be carried to another place, especially by mail.
ship a large boat that carries people or things through deep water.
smoke the black, white, or gray gases that you see in the air when something burns.
swallow to cause food to go from the mouth to the stomach.
wrap to cover by circling or folding something around.