Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allay to quiet or lay to rest (fears, doubts, and the like).
castigation the act of rebuking, severely criticizing, or punishing, especially in a public forum.
credulity an inclination to believe or trust, especially without sufficient basis or evidence; gullibility.
equilibrium a state of balance between two or more forces.
implausible hard to believe or credit.
loner one who stays by himself or herself much of the time, especially by choice or inclination.
marginal barely above a minimum standard of quality.
officiate to function as a priest or minister in a religious ceremony.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
philanthropist one who engages in charitable activities.
punctilious strictly adhering to etiquette or formalities.
quandary a situation of uncertainty, puzzlement, or hesitation; dilemma.
taciturn habitually silent and uncommunicative.
unexceptionable without flaw or fault; beyond objection or criticism.
unnoticed not seen, perceived, or discovered.