Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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altogether completely; entirely.
contemporary happening in or belonging to the same period of time.
correlation a relationship or correspondence between two or more things.
crevice a narrow opening, as in vertical rock or a wall; crack; fissure.
decorative adding to how attractive a thing is visually.
discernment the ability to keenly perceive and judge.
drone2 to talk in a boring voice without changing one's tone.
efficiency the quick, accurate performance of a task, or the ability to so perform.
elite (usually used with a plural verb) the best, taken collectively.
ethical of or concerning moral principles of right and wrong.
haphazard having no order; without aim or purpose.
immature not completely grown or developed; not mature.
immune protected from a disease, either naturally or by getting a vaccine.
insomnia difficulty in getting to sleep.
refuge a place that protects from danger or difficulty.