Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adolescence the period in a person's life between childhood and adulthood.
clinical of or related to direct observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theory or laboratory research.
congestion the condition of being excessively full, especially the condition of a road or highway being overly filled with traveling vehicles or pedestrians.
converse2 a thing that is the opposite or the reverse of something else.
duration the length of time during which something goes on.
insight the power to understand deep meanings or truths.
livelihood means of earning or getting what is needed to live.
modify to change in some way; alter.
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
oust to force out; expel.
pious showing love for a god or gods in thought and action; religious.
prone having the habit of; being likely to.
resort a place where people go to relax and have fun while on vacation.
righteous morally upright.
vortex a whirling mass of fluid, air, or the like, such as a whirlpool, that generates a vacuum in the center toward which things are drawn.