Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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account a story or report.
analyst someone trained or skilled in a particular type of analysis.
career the work a person chooses to do through life.
creation the act of making something or causing something to exist.
determine to decide or settle finally and without question.
fresh newly made, gotten, or experienced.
huddle to move close together or push in against one another when sharing something such as heat.
meek doing what others want; not standing up for oneself; tame.
modern having to do with the present or current times.
participant a person who joins in or becomes involved in something.
persuade to cause to do something by using reason or argument.
portion a part of a whole.
predict to tell in advance that something will happen.
submit to offer to another to look at.
waddle to walk using short steps while rocking from side to side.