Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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booth a closed place or stall that has room for one person or a small group.
break to make something come apart into pieces.
camera a device for making photographs.
cupboard a piece of furniture with shelves to store food, dishes, or other things.
delight great pleasure.
firmly in a way that uses some strength; not lightly.
glider a light aircraft without a motor that flies on air currents.
path a track beaten by the feet of people or animals.
picture a painting, drawing, or photograph.
pillow a cloth bag filled with soft material used for resting the head while sleeping.
poke to push with a thin or sharp object.
quickly in a short time; rapidly.
scream to make a loud high cry or sound.
thick large from one side of a surface to the other side; not thin.
tiny very small.