Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apprentice someone who works for somebody else to learn that person's skill or trade.
beholder one who looks or sees.
charm the ability to attract, delight, and please.
clutter to fill or litter with a messy collection of things.
crate a box for packing and shipping made of wood or other material.
ease freedom from pain, worry, or hard work.
equally in the same way; alike.
hurl to throw with force.
interruption the act of stopping or breaking off something in progress.
migrant moving from place to place.
neither not one or the other of two (usually paired with "nor" in a sentence).
perspire to give off moisture through the pores of the skin; sweat.
readily promptly or easily.
rind a thick, firm outer layer or covering. Oranges, lemons, melons, and some cheeses have rinds.
toward moving or facing in the direction of.