Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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coach a person who trains and teaches people in sports.
driveway a private road that leads from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
knee the joint between the upper and lower part of the leg.
log a large, thick piece of a tree that has been cut down and is ready for sawing, burning, or building.
magnify to cause to appear larger.
paddle an oar with a wide, flat blade and long handle. A paddle is used with both arms for moving a small boat through the water. A paddle is not attached to the boat.
pavement the hard surface on a road or other flat area.
reminder something that causes a person to remember something.
sale a selling of goods for a lower price than usual.
shirt a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body.
shower a period of rain that lasts a short time.
stable1 firm or steady; not likely to move.
stray to wander away from a group or place.
sunset the moment each day when the sun goes below the western horizon.
sweet having a taste like that of sugar or honey.