Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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breadth the distance measured from one side to the other side of something; width.
coordinate to arrange or select things so that they work well together.
debut a person's first appearance on stage, in concert, or on film.
descriptive using or full of description.
frustration an angry or impatient feeling caused by failing or being hindered in one's attempts to do something.
intensify to make stronger, more acute, or more intense.
lurid sensational; shocking or dramatic.
notify to tell about; give notice of.
ongoing continuing from sometime in the past into the present.
pregnancy the condition in a female human or animal in which the body is developing new life and preparing to give birth.
psychologist a person who is trained in and works in psychology.
spangle a small, thin piece of shiny metal used for decoration on clothing.
undergraduate a college or university student who has not yet earned a degree.
unpredictable not able to be known beforehand.
vacancy unfilled space, place, or position.