Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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adventure a trip or activity that is dangerous or exciting.
afford to have enough money for; be able to pay for.
dock1 a raised, flat surface that is built out into the water.
flesh the soft parts of the human or animal body that lie between the skin and the bones. Flesh includes muscle and fat.
gate a part of a fence or wall that swings to open and close.
lawn an area of land where people plant grass and cut it to keep it short.
nap1 to sleep for a short time during daylight hours.
partner someone who owns and runs a business with another person.
patch a small piece of material used to cover a hole or to protect an injury.
quickly in a short time; rapidly.
road a long, hard surface for vehicles and people to travel on.
scary causing fear; frightening.
small little in size, number, or amount.
sniff to take in short breaths of air through the nose that can be heard.
until up to the time when.